Aluminized Kapton® Fabric Laminate

Aluminized Kapton® Fabric Laminate

MMOD protection and low solar absorptance and emittance values

Aluminized Kapton® Aramid Fabric Laminate

Our aluminized Kapton® fabric laminate is suitable for use as a stopper layer or the space facing side of an MLI blanket for MMOD applications. Stopper layers work in conjunction with a disrupter layer, which absorbs the initial impact and breaks apart the particles.
The fragments then pass through a spacer and are stopped or slowed by the stopper layer, protecting the spacecraft underneath.
The aluminized Kapton® fabric laminate is effective at absorbing the remaining momentum carried by these fragments, making it an ideal choice for stopper material.
With aluminized Kapton® film on both sides, the material provides wide-temperature-range thermal insulation characteristics in addition to impact resistance.
aluminized Kapton® film also works to encapsulate the Kevlar fabric, which may fray otherwise.

Aluminized Kapton® fabric laminate is an excellent choice for  :

  • MMOD protection
  • Applications requiring low solar absorptance and emittance
  • Moderately low to high temperature applications

Material Properties :

  • Typical α / ϵ value: 3.5
  • Operating temperature: -200°C to 204°C
  • Thickness: 101.6 μm
  • Surface Resistivity: ≤ 1.0 Ω/sq

Aluminized Kapton® Fabric Laminate Applications :

                      Space Station

            Inflatable Space Habitats

                   Satellite MLI

  • 電話:037-668-628
  • 傳真:037-670-368
  • 業務:0933-460-042 陳先生
  • 地址:351苗栗縣頭份市永忠街20號
  • 營業時間:週一至週五 09:00-18:00