Black Kapton® Aramid Fabric Laminate

Black Kapton® Aramid Fabric Laminate

High emittance and absorptance

Black Kapton® Laminate

Our black Kapton® aramid fabric laminate is commonly used as a stopper layer
in conjunctionwith a disrupter layer in MMOD applications. The disrupter layer
beta cloth or Nextel® fabrics) braces the initial impact, breaking high-speed
particles and dissipating the released heat. The stopper layer slows or stops the lower-velocity
fragments that pass through the disruptor ensuring the safety of your spacecraft. In addition to
its impact-resistant properties, the black Kapton® laminate offers high solar absorptance and
emittance values, charge dissipation properties, and operates under a robust temperature range.
The outer film layers also work to encapsulate the Kevlar® fabric, which is prone to fraying.

Black Kapton® laminate is an excellent choice for :

  • MMOD stopper layer material
  • Applications requiring high solar absorptance and emittance
  • Charge dissipation

Material Properties :

  • Outside surface α / ϵ value: 1.10
  • Operating Temperature: -200°C to 204°C
  • Thickness: 175.3 μm
  • Surface Resistivity: 105 to 107 Ω/ sq

Black Kapton® Laminate Application :

                                          Satellite MLI
  • 電話:037-668-628
  • 傳真:037-670-368
  • 業務:0933-460-042 陳先生
  • 地址:351苗栗縣頭份市永忠街20號
  • 營業時間:週一至週五 09:00-18:00