Aluminized Teflon™ Film

Aluminized Teflon™ Film

Creating a second surface mirror

Aluminized Teflon™ Film

As an alternative to silver Teflon™ film, aluminized Teflon™ film offers identical chemical resistance and
outgassing properties as with slightly warmer sink temperatures.
Engineered for low solar absorptance and high IR emittance, aluminized FEP film is used for applications
that require low sink temperatures like radiator surfaces and theexterior layer of 
MLI blankets.
When bonded to radiator surfaces aluminum coated FEP film can achieve similar thermal optical properties
to rigid optical solar reflectors while being able to conform to complex three-dimensional surfaces.

In geometrically complex spacecraft applications where radiator and MLI surfaces have view factors
to each other, low IR emissivity coatings combined with low α / ɛ ratios become critical to rejecting
excess heat to space without nearby surfaces absorbing that heat. Second surface films like aluminum Teflon™ film
excel in these environments to reject excess spacecraft heat without over-radiating nearby components.

Material Properties

  • Typical outside surface α / ϵ values: 0.19 to 0.23
  • Operating Temperature: -185°C to 125°C
  • Thickness range: 50 - 250 μm

Aluminized Teflon™ Film Applications :

                                            Satellite MLI
  • 電話:037-668-628
  • 傳真:037-670-368
  • 業務:0933-460-042 陳先生
  • 地址:351苗栗縣頭份市永忠街20號
  • 營業時間:週一至週五 09:00-18:00